About St Barbara's Parish School

Our Mission Statement

Find an opportunity to shine...

This statement is about looking at how each person can utilise their talents in order to contribute to our school community and the wider communities we are involved in. We are called by God to be truly human, and this means fulfilling our potential to assist others to fulfil their potential.

This is reflected in the way our school has developed shared pedagogical principles which allow for a common understanding of the types of teaching and learning that will take place at our school. This allows for the differentiation of learning for our students and the differentiation of how our teachers teach. Each teacher has different talents and students benefit in different ways from the relationships they share with their teachers and their learning.

“At St Barbara’s Parish School, our vision is to provide a nurturing environment where, through the Spirit of Jesus, we call all…..Find an opportunity to shine!

Pedagogical Principles

At St Barbara's Parish School we provide an opportunity for all to shine through…

Connecting with the community outside the classroom

Promoting independence, interdependence and student motivation

Developing deeper levels of thinking and application comprising student interest, differentiation, feedback and assessment

These Principles’ provide the structure for our teachers to work with our students with a holistic approach where individual staff and student’s talents are nurtured to assist in making them truly human and worthwhile contributors to our community. 

St Barbara's Parish School 2023 Performance Report

For your information, please click the button below to read St Barbara's 2023 Performance Report.